Empress Fencing 2021 Award

Delivery Charges & Information

  • In most instances we will aim to make delivery of your order within 5 working days although this may sometimes be longer due to other circumstances.
  • We will contact you to inform you of the day of delivery for your order via phone.
  • Delivery will be made on either a pickup or a small transit open back vehicle. The back of the vehicle lifts up and our delivery staff then slide the logs / bulk bag off the back of the vehicle.
  • Unless given other specific instructions, the driver will reverse the vehicle to the most appropriate spot on your property and unload the logs there. They will endeavour not to block any gates or entrances. The vehicle will not deliver into a building and will also unload in a place that is considered safe and compliant with road safety laws as decided by the driver.
  • If you have any specific comments about delivery requirements, please make sure they are put in the comments box when you order.
  • Please note, we are unable to lift bags or logs over walls or other such obstructions. We are also unable to stack them in your log store.
  • Firewood, kindling and firelighters will be delivered in a dry state but once left at the property, it is the responsibility of the customer to keep them in this state.
Delivery Charges 2025